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Donate to us

The Better Fraternization Project is a Social Purpose Corporation working for the betterment of our community, but we need your help. We have chosen to make our basic product free for everyone, while offering advanced features for a fee that help fund that effort.

Go Pro in the Bigger Blacker Book app

  • On your phone, go to Bigger Blacker Book > Settings  >  Go Pro  > Choose whether to make a one time purchase for a Pro account for a limited time, or make a monthly recurring charge for Pro features.

  • Payment types:

    • Apple Pay

    • Google Pay


​Other ways to donate

  • Send a check to the address below. For checks of $5,000 or more, please email to notify us of your incoming donation.
    Better Fraternization Project
    P.O. Box 20504
    Seattle, CA 98102-1504


Why donate?

The Better Fraternization Project wants to build tools that improve the sexual lives of the MSM community. We see a conflict in having a for-profit company possessing the intimate details of our lives, because it's too easy for them to sell your data when they need money. They bury the details in legal jargon hoping you won't notice or change the terms after you're hooked. The Better Fraternization Project is committed to your privacy. Not only do we do not posses your data, we don't know who you are, and we offer ways to keep from being tracked by others. These are not just words to us, they are part of the very articles of incorporation that created us. We promise that you will be in control of your data at all times.  


No ads. No surveillance. No tracking.


To fund our operation we seek grants, donations, and offer in-app purchases to access Pro features. Your donation pays for the development and operation of the Bigger Blacker Book app. We make this app free to the public to help improve the lives of MSM. If you believe in our mission, and enjoy the app, please donate to us and help us continue building. 


Are donations required? 


Can I be a monthly donor and give a one-time donation?

Yes. And we'll give you Pro features when you do.

Changes, Charges, and Cancellations


How can I change the donation amount?

  • Select the new monthly level or one-time donation and follow on-screen directions to confirm payment.

  • You will be charged the full amount when you make this change.

Is my payment information linked to my Bigger Blacker Book account?

Your payment information is associated with your Bigger Blacker Book database that only you posses. When you open the app, a random number is assigned to your database and that number is used to link your database to your payment information. On our side, we only see that a random number created a subscription or made a one time donation. We do not get your credit card information. We do not know who you are. 

Do Apple or Google get a cut of my contribution?


Taxes and Receipts

Are my donations tax deductible?

The Better Fraternization Foundation is a nonprofit public charity established in the United States that is tax-exempt under section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Our Tax ID Number is 87-2192687. Refer to the tax code or consult a tax professional to determine whether your donation is tax deductible. 

If I make a donation, how do I get a receipt?

Bigger Blacker Book Donations

  • View and save receipts on your phone. Go to Bigger Blacker Book > Settings  >  Donate to BFF > Donation Receipts. If a receipt is available, select it. Then, save, print or share the receipt.

  • If you reinstalled Bigger Blacker Book and restored your database from a backup, receipts from previous donations will be available. If you do not restore your database, we will not know who you are, so your old receipts will not be available. Any new subscriptions or one-time transactions you make with your new database will be available.

© 2025 by The Better Fraternization Project

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